
Recent Work: Part 4... cupcakes

I had the pleasure of making baby shower invites for our friend Ashley, who happens to be our go-to gal for fabulous cupcakes.  So referencing pictures from some she made for Olive's birthday party, I illustrated them in the style you would find in children's books from the 60's; that is, line drawings in ink imperfectly filled with harvest gold, rosey pink, minty green, and the like.

Also, I decided this time to take advantage of the back of the card with a busier pattern, also drawn and colored in the same manner.


  1. So perfect!! I don't know if you checked out their baby room, but they have a few pieces that are french provincial so the back was beyond ideal!! I love it when the Lord does things like that. You're an excellent craftsmen. Proud of my friends.

  2. these are so amazing! they fit zoey and i perfectly. i love the reference to 60's children's books! her bookcase is going to be outfitted with several vintage books along with vintage toys - so fun. and the colors are spot on! nice work!! i love you guys : )

  3. these look great! good job guys! :)

  4. These are awesome!!!! (yes, I think I have used that descriptive word over and over again! :o)I really love this invitation. Are you doing more of these? Well...I think that I have caught up a bit :o) Now throwing on my sneakers and heading for my walk.

    Blessings & Aloha!
